
Holiday Traditions

Posted: December 19, 2023

Favourite Time of Year

This time of year has always been my favourite. I love how it is full of different traditions. Many of the families I have talked to all have different traditions from one another. Some traditions can cost money but so many of the ones that are near and dear to my heart have a minimal to no cost value.

Christmas Tree Ornaments

My number one holiday tradition that my family has is our knick-knack Christmas tree. When we pull out the box of ornaments to put on the Christmas tree we spend time looking at the ornaments. Each ornament has a special meaning to at least one of the members of our family if not multiple. Throughout the year we will purchase a new ornament that symbolizes something from that year. This could be from a place we visited, a new hobby, a birth or a passed loved one. During the month our tree is up I enjoy glancing at the different ornaments and remembering the years past. The plan is for when my boys grow up and move into their own homes that they will take along their ornaments to start their own knickknack Christmas tree.

New Pajamas Tradition

When I think back to my own childhood the memory that sticks out the most for Christmas time is receiving a new pair of pajamas on Christmas Eve. This tradition is one that I chose to continue with my own boys. It feels so nice to have a new pair a pajamas to wear while we lounge around on Christmas Day.

Santa’s Breakfast

Our family has a special breakfast that we only eat on Christmas morning. It is a breakfast casserole that we call Santa’s Breakfast. Most of the preparation for this dish is done the night before and it bakes while we are opening our gifts. This allows everyone to relax and enjoy the morning.

Traditions, Old and New

I love hearing about other holiday traditions that people around me have. Here is a list of other traditions. Maybe there are one or two new traditions that you would like to add to your family traditions:

  • Enjoying the Christmas Lights. Depending on where you live you could either go for a drive or a
    walk to check out the Christmas lights in your neighbourhood. Don’t forget to grab yourself a cup
    of hot chocolate to enjoy along the way.
  • Making a gingerbread house. This can be done by either making one from scratch or buying a kit
    at the grocery store.
  • Watching the same holiday movie every year. It’s not Christmas at our house unless we have
    watched Home Alone. It was a favourite of mine growing up and I couldn’t wait until my boys were old enough to enjoy this movie too. The first time they watched it I think I spent more time
    watching them watch it than I did actually watching the movie.
  • Using an advent calendar to count down to Christmas Day. There are a variety of different ones
    you can get. Some have little trinkets, and some are chocolate. You can even make your own.
  • Write a letter to Santa and then mail it to him. Often you will get a letter back from the North
    Pole. If you don’t have his address its: Santa Claus North Pole Canada H0H0H0.
  • Listen to Holiday Music. So many radio stations play non-stop Christmas music during the holiday.
    There are so many renditions of the songs and it’s fun to sing along to them.
  • Reading holiday books before bed. There are so many great holiday stories for all members of
    your family to enjoy. We enjoy reading the same stories year after year and as the kids get older
    they take their turn reading the stories to the adults. We always read “Twas the Night Before
    Christmas” right before bed on Christmas Eve.
  • Tracking Santa on Norad. Its fun to see where in the world Santa is. It helps to know when you
    need to get to bed as he is getting closer.
  • Volunteer as a family at places that help the families in need in your community.
  • Donate to the local food bank canned goods and other non-perishable items.
  • Baking Cookies. If you are like me and aren’t very skilled in the kitchen you can buy premade
    cookie batter that you just scoop onto cookie sheets, or you can give making cookies from scratch
    a try. Working together as a family to bake some cookies is so much fun and then you have fresh
    cookies to leave out for Santa.
  • Grab a group of your friends and go caroling. Sing some of your favourite songs and put a smile
    on the faces of your neighbours.

Try Something New

When you think back to your childhood is there a favourite tradition you have? It’s fun to try something new and sometimes you’ll do it the once and decide it is not something you want to do again but sometimes you find something new that will become a new holiday tradition.