
Math is Not a Monster

Posted: December 1, 2023

What do you think when you hear the word “math?” I instantly think, “Ugh!” For me, there are many emotions associated with the subject of math; fear, anxiety, and doubt, to name a few. I do not associate fun, joy, or pride with the subject of math. According to Parlakian (2022), data illustrates that children have some innate math knowledge at birth and that these math ideas continue to grow in the early years. Math is more than just counting and numbers. Mathematical concepts include sorting and matching, spatial reasoning, noticing patterns, sequencing, recording, making comparisons, building, measuring, and geometry.

Early Exposure to Math

Early exposure to mathematical concepts and math language in a variety of settings and environments can support a strong foundation for math later on in a child’s life. I believe parents are the child’s first and most important teachers. As children learn and grow, much of the knowledge and understanding children gain about their world comes from their parents.

Positive Ways to Incorporate Math

Here are some positive ways to incorporate mathematical concepts into your child’s everyday life experiences:

  • Let your child or children assist you with grocery shopping
  • Let your child or children assist you with meal preparation
  • Let your child bake with you
  • Let your child or children assist with setting the table before mealtime
  • Build something with your child or children
  • Engage in board games or active games with your child or children
  • Search for mathematical concepts in your home or on a neighborhood walk
  • Incorporate mathematical concepts during bath time
  • Pair mathematical concepts through literature
  • Sing a variety of songs that explore mathematical concepts

Final Thoughts

Math is all around us and is useful in all areas of our lives. I genuinely believe that early positive math experiences can help a child build a strong mathematical foundation later in life.


Parlakian, R. (2022, September 1). Rocking and Rolling. Nurturing Early Math Play and Discovery. National Association for the Education of Young Children. https://naeyc.org.

Bilodeau Overdeck, L. (Nd.) 5 Ways to Build Math into Your Child’s Day. Canadian Child Care Federation. https://cccf-fcsge.ca.