What is Nature Based Education?
Nature based education is important to the early years but what exactly does this mean? Are children just left unattended in the woods somewhere? What is the specific programming or learning that happens in nature based education? Nature-based education can be semi-structured or unstructured and exists for children from preschool to secondary school. Semi structured nature based education has some teacher driven focus with educators scaffolding the children’s learning in the outdoors with materials that meet numeracy, literacy and other important and necessary skills with books and resources. Where, unstructured nature-based education takes a more child-led and play-oriented approach with little to no educator assistance (Fernandes, 2021). But the common denominator in both forms is that the natural environment is in every part of the program.
How is Nature-based Education Changing Children’s Learning?
Over the last decade nature based education has become a more important part of the learning process in the early years. The benefits of nature-based education far outweigh the risks that may be associated with this form of learning for children. The natural world around us supplies more learning and growth development than any manufactured building, structure or play material. Daily, schools typically allow children one hour of outdoor time. However, many schools are now realizing the importance of nature based education and are not limiting children’s exposure to the outdoors, more educators are also bringing nature into the indoor learning environment.
The Benefits of Nature-based Education
Being outside in nature has many benefits to our health, mind, body, and soul. Some of the health benefits we will achieve while being one with nature are improved cardiovascular health, improved mental focus, reduction in anxiety levels and a general increase in everyone’s overall well-being.
Some benefits are:
• Increased focus, imagination, and creativity.
• Advanced problem-solving skills.
• Movement and physical activity.
• Appreciation for nature and environmental sustainability.
Above all, the benefits of nature-based education are evident. When children are learning because they want to rather than because they must, they will become more enthusiastic about learning and as a result will take their education as a priority. We need to begin encouraging these values within the budding generations today (Fernandes, 2021).
Fernandes, A. (2021, February 8). The wholesome benefits of Nature-Based education. INKspire. https://inkspire.org/post/the-wholesome-benefits-of-nature-based-education/-MI4dArziO2Umbgqn7Kf