Core Values
EarlyON Child and Family Centres use How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy of the Early Years, a professional learning resource guide to support pedagogy, and curriculum/program development. EarlyON facilitators consider how pedagogy “the understanding of how learning happens” and curriculum, “content of the learning” strengthens relationships and shapes their role in supporting children and families.
EarlyON Child and Family Centres emphasize the four foundational conditions from How Does Learning Happen? through all aspects of their programs to ensure optimal learning and healthy development.
These foundations or “way of being” are what children and families should experience every day.
Belonging – Environments are welcoming to families; inviting their perspectives and providing opportunities for families to participate in meaningful ways. Children thrive in programs where they and their families are valued as active participants and contributors.
Engagement – Experiences, activities, and events occur within an inclusive environment designed to foster children’s well being, learning, and development to ensure meaningful participation for every child.
Expression – Opportunities to explore a wide variety of materials to support creativity, problem solving, communication skills and mathematical behaviours.
Well-Being – Emphasis is placed on physical and metal health as well as overall wellness. Sense of self, self care, and self-regulation skills are all promoted and enhanced through various activities and conversations.